MSMU Doheny Campus Tours

    We are excited to welcome prospective students and their guests to tour the Mount! Visiting a campus is the best way to get to know the community and experience it for yourself. We invite you to visit Mount Saint Mary's University to find your fit.

    Looking for a virtual campus visit? Check out our other visit options at

    These tours are designed for traditional undergraduate students (first year, transfer and transfer BSN). If you are a graduate, weekend/evening, accelerated BSN or RN to BSN student, please see the options below.
    Graduate Visit Options
    Weekend/Evening & Online Visit Options
    Nursing Information Sessions

    Doheny Campus Tours

    Our Doheny campus is located just west of downtown LA and is a convenient (and beautiful) option for students who want to commute. We do have a shuttle that connects both campuses several times each day.

    We offer a limited number of Doheny tours, including one Saturday each month. If you're interested in visiting Doheny and none of these dates work for you, please reach out to

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled
    Interested in visiting our Chalon campus?Chalon Campus Tours